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Dana White blasts Roy Nelson, the Charles Manson look-a-like

September 17, 2012 Chellie Cervone
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300px Dana White headshot Dana White blasts Roy Nelson, the Charles Manson look a like

Dana White, president of the UFC. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dana White blasts Roy Nelson

Roy Nelson is the coach on Season 16 of the Ultimate Fighter and Dana White had some choice words for Nelson. In actuality, Dana White blasts Roy Nelson.

White is worried about what is going to come out of Nelson’s mouth and he is concerned with that his appearance will affect sponsorships. White said,

He focuses on all the wrong things. You know what I consider him? The ultimate underachiever. Come into my office and [expletive]. ‘I want more sponsors.’ Well, you got a mullet down to the middle of your back. You got a Santa Claus beard, and what pops out from underneath the beard is this huge, massive roll. What company wants to throw their logo on that?

White also said that Roy Nelson, in addition to his appearance needs to take himself more seriously, saying,

Take your career serious. Maybe if you took your career serious, I would. The guy could be really good if he cared.


Nelson seems to take it all in stride, according to the UFC website,  saying,

They’re gonna see Roy Nelson at his best; either getting under Dana’s skin, or getting ready for some good coaching.

What do you think.  Did he make the grade on the the season opener?

Roy Nelson looks like Charlie Manson


Charles mansonbookingphoto Dana White blasts Roy Nelson, the Charles Manson look a like

Charles Manson (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


106x150 Dana White blasts Roy Nelson, the Charles Manson look a like

Mixed martial artist Roy Nelson the (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

Roy Nelson looks like Charles Manson. Seriously.

Every time I look at a pic of Nelson, I can help but think how much he looks like Charles Manson.

It’s not just the hair, there is a real resemblance. It’s uncanny.

Do you see the resemblance? Is that crazy or what?


 Dana White blasts Roy Nelson, the Charles Manson look a like