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Heidi Klum handling divorce from Seal with class and dignity

September 16, 2012 Chellie Cervone
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Heidi Klum handling divorce from Seal with class and dignity

heidiklumpicture4 230x300 Heidi Klum handling divorce from Seal with class and dignity

Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum handling divorce from Seal with class and dignity, even when he disses her in public.

Celebrity divorces can get nasty. Extremely nasty! And even in the face of “nasty”, Heidi Klum rises above it all.

It’s bad enough to have to go through a divorce at all and it’s even worse when your private marital woes become tabloid fodder.

Tensions run high, emotions are all over the place and sometimes even the “coolest” celebrities can just lose it.

But not supermodel Heidi Klum.

While Seal many have said that his soon-to-be ex-wife has no class, Heidi Klum is proving him very wrong and it is actually Seal who is not coming across very favorably.

Seal, who was not too happy about the impending divorce in the first place, sounded off to TMZ and said that his soon to be ex-wife lacked class because she was “fornicating with the help”.

He was referring to Heidi Klum’s bodyguard, Martin Kristin.

Seal backtracked a bit on that statement, but still – – he said it!

Seal might just be hurting and TMZ may have caught him at a low point but he still said it and can’t take it back.

Yes, Heidi has been seen looking pretty friendly with Kristin and speculation was rife that they were together, however Seal’s comments immediately garnered sympathy for the gorgeous supermodel after that attack.

Heidi Klum sets the record straight during Katie Couric Interview

Heidi Klum recently appeared on Katie Couric’s show, aptly titled “Katie”, and she came across as very down to earth and open and honest in her answers to Katie’s questions.

To her credit, she didn’t deny being involved with her bodyguard, Kristen but said they started dating after her split from Seal.

Here are some portions of the interview transcripts from the recent Heidi Klum interview,

Heidi Klum on her the status of her relationship with bodyguard Martin Kristen:

heidi klum and bodyguard Heidi Klum handling divorce from Seal with class and dignity

Heidi Klum and her BG, Martin Kristen, looking pretty chummy (photo: Scallyway and Vagabond)

KC: but you are in a relationship right now?

HK: I don’t even know if I can even call it that. I don’t know, it just started. So I don’t know. I don’t know where it’s going to go.

KC: And it’s with someone who works with you, your bodyguard?

HK: Yes

KC: This gentleman…

HK: Yes

KC: And you’ve known him for a long time?

HK: I’ve known him for four years and he’s been with our family for the last four years. He’s cared for, our entire family mostly for our four children, helped us tremendously. I trust him…I mean, I trust him with my children’s life. He’s a great man, you know and we just got to know each other from a completely different side

Heidi Klum on Seal’s recent allegations she cheated

KC: He made a comment recently about you. He accused you of quote, “fornicating with the help” implying that you were having an affair with your bodyguard while you were married.  He then basically…clarified that comment and said it was before your divorce was final.

HK: Right.

KC: But what did you think about his comments, how he said them? Because I think a lot of people were a little put off by his word choice.

HK: Yeah, he has a very unique choice of words. I’m used to them…I don’t know I mean I obviously don’t know, I don’t love that…obviously it’s not true. When you know I’ve never looked at another man while I was with him and it’s hard when you think that he thinks that. Or that…he’s hurt. He’s moved on, you know, and we separated and he’s moved on and so have I. And it’s very hard when, when you then start seeing somebody again- for the first time its hard then when all of a sudden everyone is watching you. It’s almost like you can’t even have a real, proper chance in a way.

KC: Right

When asked about where her relationship with Seal stands now, Klum said,

I don’t know if we’re the greatest friends right now… especially the things that he said…you know I just saw him…we were talking and we’re in an okay place.

Might be a long time before they are great friends again. But hey, stranger things have happened.


 Heidi Klum handling divorce from Seal with class and dignity