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Bobby Brown arrested for DUI

March 27, 2012 Chellie Cervone
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Bobby Brown arrested for DUI, Bobby Brown was arrested in L.A. after being pulled over for allegedly talking on a cell phone while driving which is a big no-no nowadays. He likely appeared impaired since a field sobriety test was administered. He failed the test and was then taken into custody.

Brown has been in the news fairly regularly for all the wrong reasons. With the latest news of Whitney Houston having cocaine in her system at her time of death and Brown’s numerous arrests and alleged history of drugs and alcohol, it’s not surprising that Bobbi Christina is reportedly struggling with abuse and addiction issues.

He has reunited with New Edition, the group he allegedly formed when he was just 9 years old. The group had a colorful history and Brown felt the group was never rightfully paid the money they felt they had earned from their success, later saying “the most I saw from all the tours and all of the records we sold was $500 and a VCR”. He also said that New Edition’s Management treated them “like little slaves by people who were only interested in money and power, and not in the welfare of New Edition. I guess that’s all water under the bridge now.

Brown has reportedly been bailed out and faces a court date.

 Bobby Brown arrested for DUI